Linnasmäki conference hotel is located 4 km from Turku city centre and 3 km from the pool. The hotel is located next to a recreational park area that offers possibilities for relaxing leisure time activities. The hotel has a restaurant and various facilities for organizational needs, seminar and events. Accommodation is arranged in single or two person rooms which all have showers and toilet. Kitchens and common facilities for socializing and can be found in each floor.
The hotel restaurant serves healthy Finnish everyday food. Restaurant is able to take in to account the common allergies and diets. Breakfast is included in the room price and lunch and dinner is available with affordable price. Lunch and dinner times will be adjusted according to competition and training schedules.
Accommodation and lunch / dinner reservations will be a part of the that will open in March. The capacity of the hotel matches with number of attendees in previous competitions. If the capacity of the hotel is exceeded, priority will be given athletes, team captain and coaches. Consequently, if the team has a large number of accompanying persons, we can confirm their booking only at the end of the registration process. Turku has other accommodation possibilities and public transportation busses operate between city centre and Impivaara pool or competition hotel