Judge Course Info

Announcement of the AIDA International judge course, Turku, Finland 24.06. – 26.06.2016.

Just before the beginning of the AIDA Individual Pool WC, Petar Bojović, AIDA Int. judge instructor (AI) will hold an AIDA Int. judge course.

Throughout the three days of the course (24 – 25 – 26 June) in addition to the theoretical part students will have a unique opportunity implement everything they have learnt assisting the main judges during the World Championships.

Price of the judge course is 70 € + 50 € (AIDA Int. certification fee) = 120 € total.

All interested should apply no later than 20 June, 24:00 CET to the following address:, , subject line: Judge Course – Turku.

I invite all judges (active and inactive) to attend the course and gain new experience. Please apply as mentioned above as well.

If you have any questions or uncertainties, you can write to addresses above.

Petar Bojovic
Judge responsible AIDA International
Judge A Instructor